Tone von Krogh has been a ceramic designer-maker for over 20 years. Her practice is mainly focused on making functional ceramics for the home with a strong design element. Her current collection of contemporary domestic ceramics is influenced by impressions and memories of the winter landscape in Norway where she grew up. These forms showcase the softness of clay in its raw state whilst hinting at snow drifts and icicles.
After having studios in several art centres, Tone now works from a purpose built pottery in her garden. She combines making her own work with delivering workshops and weekly classes to hobbyists and professionals alike.
In 2021 Tone was awarded a grant from Arts Council England’s Developing Your Creative Practice fund which enabled her to take time to develop new technical skills to make large scale pieces, as well as giving her time for a critical look at how to move her creative practice further, in a more sustainable and environmentally-conscious way.