Sharyn Dunn focuses on the development of 3D geometric forms and their interaction and integration with light, shade and repetition. She works with various materials and has developed a specific interest in paper and fine polymers. Sharyn creates free standing installations, wall pieces and sculptures, many of which are illuminated and may be considered as lighting systems.
As Sharyn’s illuminated sculptures have evolved she has progressed to creating lighting units based on complex geometric forms. Although feedback from mentors, customers and friends have helped guide her in this direction, her instinct has been to reject any move towards commercial and the mass-produced object. This conflict is driving a growing interest in the grey area between art and functional art.
The viewer interaction with Sharyn’s sculptures is a very important part of the artwork, as she deliberately creates optical effects which change as the person moves around the work. Engaging the viewer is an integral part of the artwork experience. The primary influence on Sharyn’s creations are viewers’ curiosity about the materials used, and the changing light and shadows; both are key to the interactions she both seeks and observes.
Sharyn Dunn is one of Design-Nation’s Fellows.