Working mainly in metal, Jacky Oliver utilises a range of techniques and processes including blacksmithing and silversmithing skills, to create small hand held objects through to large-scale architectural pieces,; creating work for commissions, residencies and contemporary exhibitions.
Jacky enjoys the qualities that can be achieved with different processes like etching and enamelling layering surfaces, mark making and experimentation. Often details from archive material are added to give another dimension to the work. Forging linear elements, working three-dimensionally in a range of scales, sometimes as the main process in a piece, or supporting elements, or with blown glass, such as her collaboration ‘Oliver and Hawes’.
Teaching in a number of institutions around the country, Jacky is keen to ensure that others appreciate potential of working creatively. This has included teaching and running of workshops in schools, colleges and universities for a wide range of audiences – all ages, skill levels and backgrounds.