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Handmade for retail 5: Emma-Jane Rule

The fifth maker in our series on handmade craft that makes perfect gifts is Emma-Jane Rule. This series is supported by our long term partners at the British Craft Trade Fair, who present high quality annual showcases of innovative and well made British-based craft, perfect for boutique gift and craft gallery style retailers. Emma-Jane’s work is strikingly original and exemplifies why the UK is an important hub for great craft and design.

Emma-Jane Rule explores the malleable and intriguing natures of precious and base metals, and glories in the foldforming technique. Emma-Jane says, “Encouraging folded metal to curve and stretch in a designed direction using hammers and tools, is an exciting way for me to work, as there are many opportunities for the pleated metal to evolve and this dictates the final form.” She delights in overcoming these challenge, and the way the metal moves suits her playful and intuitive approach.

Emma-Jane’s work is ranges from jewellery and silverware to larger-scale sculptures and lighting, with each piece being completely unique. Her inspiration is the natural world. Surface textures, patinas and burnishing enhance the natural lustre of her works. Emma-Jane creates luxury for the everyday and her work is perfect for boutique retail and giftware specialist retailers.

Contact details are here.

The next profile in this series is Janie Knitted Textiles.

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Liz Cooper


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