Hayley Banks
Hayley manages our membership portfolio and has been in her role since 2003. Hayley is also a certified coach and mentor, specialising in building confidence and instilling resilience in creative practitioners.
Indispensible tool that helps me at work: Tea!
Inspirational person/ mentor: Canadian author Andrew Kaufman. I loved his book ‘All My Friends Are Superheroes’ so much that I stalked him on Twitter until he became my friend.
Favourite material or technique in craft & design: I don’t have a favourite material or technique as such, but I have a real admiration for drawing and mark making skills.
Guilty pleasure: Listening to the Archers omnibus in a hot bubbly bath. Whilst drinking Baileys.
What’s the best thing about your job/working for Design-Nation? I’ve met some wonderful makers, artists and designers who over the years have also become friends. It’s been such a privilege to be part of their creative journey.
What are you proudest of? Longevity! Both in terms of the job that I love but also life in general. I survived cancer in 2007 and I’m also proud of raising lots of ££ for cancer charities by skydiving.
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