Jane is a collector and artist with a passion for English woodlands. Walking daily amongst ancient trees near her home in Derbyshire, she gathers interesting and eye catching materials to carry home and transform into artworks. The thorns, bark, seeds, feathers and acorn cups are celebrated in Jane’s work, because of their tiny imperfections and irregularities. It is the smaller details of nature that appeals, the single sycamore seed or twisted twig which might otherwise be missed.
Jane follows Japanese ideas on nature and the appreciation of the transient, quiet and easily over-looked. Her pieces are hand-stitched, tied and intricately assembled using waxed thread or natural cordage, a process which is often slow and painstaking. She is a passionate advocate of museums, working part time at Derby Museum and gathering ideas and inspiration from collections such as the British Museum and the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.
Jane Bevan is one of Design-Nation’s Fellows.